“It was great fun showing Keith Duffy (Boyzone) and Brian McFadden (Westlife) around Resonance last week before they headed out on the road again with Boyzlife.
Beverley Knight visits Resonance
It was a real pleasure to show Beverley Knight around the Resonance campus when she recently visited to record her part for the Mary Stevens Hospice’s forthcoming pantomime.
Resonance is delighted to have been chosen as the venue for the 2021 Musicians Union Education Conference
Resonance is delighted to have been chosen as the venue for the 2021 Musicians Union Education Conference, 15-16 October.
Focusrite Helps Resonance Re-imagine Pro Audio Education
A revolutionary new college turns its entire campus into a recording studio, thanks to Dante and Focusrite products.
Resonance Hosts Summer Music School for Dudley School Children
Resonance has hosted a Dudley Performing Arts summer school for local primary and secondary pupils.
Resonance opens its doors for personal open days
Resonance is welcoming visitors back to the Cable Plaza campus for personal, socially distanced open days.
DPA online tuition doesn’t miss a beat thanks to Resonance
Resonance is helping Dudley schools keep up with their one-to-one music tuition during the lockdown.
Rick discusses video support plan on BBC radio
Resonance director Rick Benton was on the BBC WM 95.6FM afternoon show talking about a new initiative to support college students with online video resources while they’re working from home.
Resonance creates video library to support students working at home
Resonance is developing a library of online videos designed to support further education and 6th form students who are missing out on face-to-face classes because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Resonance lights up blue as part of national salute to NHS
Resonance has joined iconic buildings across the UK to #lightitblue in solidarity with the NHS and the courageous efforts of everyone involved in our nation’s healthcare system during the coronavirus outbreak.